Game presentation
Reign of the Ninja: Tournament of the Young Masters invites you to take part in the biggest ninja tournament in Japan.
7 young Shinobis coming from 7 villages in Otashima province, will contend through a series of tests to try and win the 100 000 gold coins reward.
Reign of the Ninja: Tournament of the Young Masters is both an action, a dexterity and a reflection game grouping several mini games within a unique Ninja tournament.
Release date: October 18, 2018 on the App Store and Google Play.
Distinctive features
- a design inspired by Anime / Manga
- a rich universe and fun mini games
- 1-2 players on the same device
- 7 ninjas with different skills
- 7 endings

The Story
For his 60th birthday, the Emperor Hiroshi Ota treats his people to a ninja tournament.To celebrate this event, he asks the 7 village leaders of his province to choose the best ninja from each community among the children aged between 11 and 16.Each chosen contender will represent their village during the tournament, with 100,000 gold coins on offer for the winner.
The emperor wants to take advantage of the tournament to tighten the bonds between the different communities and give the villagers an unforgettable show.

Kei Ota
Kei is Hiroshi Ota's son, the emperor of Japan. Despite his young age and his lack of experience, he already has all the qualities of a great ninja! His talent in launching shurikens have convinced his father to enrol him to the tournament to represent the Lightning village.

Olivia is the best hunter in her village. Her nickname is "sharp eye" and she never misses her target!
She is a fierce warrior and is afraid of nothing! Olivia represents proudly the Earth community.

Blackstorm is a warrior with a mysterious past. Some say he is possessed by evil. He represents the Death village, which has a reputation for its cults and black magic. Blackstorm is one of the tournament's favourite players. He is planning to leave no chance to his opponents!

Ryoko comes from the Water village. Her father taught her the rudiments of fishing when she was six. Today, she is the most famous "fisherwoman" of her village.
She is encouraged by all her community and she is the pride of her family.

Blow represents the Air village. His mastery of the blowpipe has allowed him to join the "skyhunters" unit, a group renowned for using poisoned projectiles. Despite his weight, Blow has a powerful breath that seems endless.

Udo is a miner's family only child. Like many children of his age, he loves sweets and candies.
Udo is a gifted child and he loves playing with explosives. He represents the Fire community.

Green is a ninja chameleon. His commando outfit allows him good camouflage in the forest where he goes unnoticed.
He represents the Light village, his adoptive village, after his parents disappeared in a fire.

The Characters
The tournament gathers 7 challengers chosen among the young ninja elite. Each has a special talent (a weapon and a favourite technique) giving him/her an advantage during the tournament.

Tournament rules

Hey there! I'm Jimmy. I'm the tournament coordinator.
I'll be your guide throughout the tournament, giving you the instructions to follow so you have the best chance of winning!
Pictures of the game